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Gro Intelligence

Food security & climate change risk management data startup

As a product designer at Gro, I have worked with multiple teams to bring ideas to life and enable continuous UI/UX improvements for data products that address user problems in agricultural procurement, sales, investment, risk management, and other industries which have increased positive prospect interactions and conversions and improved user engagement and retention.

+$5 million

Revenue Generated


Strategic Conversions

This page is an introduction to some of the key projects I have worked on. To learn more about any of these, please reach out!

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Select Projects
Owned design of 8+ use-case focused Web Applications

In 2020, Gro started exploring web apps targeted towards specific personas and industries. I have designed multiple MVPs with small teams of analyst SMEs and developers in 2-4 week sprints, some of which have been productionalized and are now being used by enterprise customers.

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Improved Data Displays in the Web Portal

The web portal is a critical product touchpoint of every free and paid Gro user and visitor. However, in late 2020, despite large number of visits to our data-displays, product trialers and users were dropping off the platform without making a single click.

I helped strategize and designed chart-level 'notes' for Gro displays or dashboards, which resulted in higher engagement and return-rate from users. I also worked on a gallery view of displays - helping users locate relevant displays quickly.

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Created New Sections of the Website

Gro’s website serves as the platform for sharing intelligence and product offerings and is key to our marketing efforts. Since I joined in 2020, I have improved several parts of the website helping in the 12% increase in visitors.


One of my most impactful projects on the website was creating a web experience allowing visitors to sign up for webinars by Gro analysts. To date, it's one of the most-visited parts of the website, seeing 3000 visitors monthly and more than 500 total participants.

The latest iteration of the webinars is currently being built.

View a list of Gro's latest webinars.

View La Nina 2020 research by Gro.

Designed the Gro Excel Add-in Experience

One of the problems I worked on was improving the experience of platform-centered (Excel & Tableau) users who use Gro-data in their own environments.

Platform users are experts of specific applications and use them for all their analyses. Capitalizing on this need, I designed the Gro Excel add-in experience that enabled users to pull in live data from Gro’s platform into curated Excel templates for a variety of use cases (like understanding trade and stocks, or growing conditions of a commodity) with Microsoft’s Fluent Design system & Gro’s branding.

Since the idea was pitched, 8 Gro templates have been created. The add-in is lined up to be released to customers in 2022.

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Every great relationship starts with a hello.
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